Contemporary Literary Review India | Print ISSN 2250-3366 | Online ISSN 2394-6075 | Impact Factor 8.1458 | Vol. 8, No. 4: CLRI November 2021

Rohan Kumar Mohapatra

Books, not of paper

Read, before you can no longer hold them warm from cover to cover.

For they are coming, weapons unsheathed.

On they march!

Gruff slogans in all the fury of a riled up mob

reverberating through their rank and file.

On they march!

The blazing flames of their torches primed

to pounce and swallow each of them pages whole.

On they march!

Read, for the ides of March is upon us!

Ingrain each word of a free man in your dreams anew, let your thoughts bleed them boldly whence the tongue can no longer fathom to speak or endure.

Read! for perhaps they can't burn the books that were never made of paper.

rRohan Kumar Mohapatra is a Software Engineer by profession and an avid reader by heart. He has been since last few years, indulging his writings to convey the world as seen through his lens. His writing amalgamates the old school idiosyncrasies with modern day relevant socio-politics.

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