Contemporary Literary Review India | Print ISSN 2250-3366 | Online ISSN 2394-6075 | Impact Factor 8.1458 | Vol. 8, No. 4: CLRI November 2021

Group of Same Letters Opening with the Alphabet ‘C’ in the Different Words of English Language Have Different Pronunciations: A Justificational Study

Dr. Uttam Balu Koli is a Ph. D. (English), Shivaji University, Kolhapur, Maharashtra (India).


The present research article highlights the group of same letters opening with the alphabet ‘C’ in the different words of English language having different pronunciations. The group of same letters opening with the alphabet ‘C’ in the different words of English language, having different pronunciations, are 43 in numbers which are: ca, cce, ccla, cco, ccu, ce, ch, cha, che, chi, cho, chri, chro, chu, ci, cia, cka, cke, cla, cle, clea, cli, clie, clo, co, coa, coe, con, coo, cou, cqui, cra, cre, crea, cri, cro, cru, cry, cta, cti, ctro, cu and cy. The group of same letters opening with the select alphabet of ‘C’ in the different words of English language, having different pronunciations, have been written with examples including words and phonetic transcriptions which will help to acquire the proficiency over the select area of study. Conclusion and references have been included.

Keywords: Acquire, area, help, proficiency, study, written.


The present research article highlights the group of same letters opening with the alphabet ‘C’ in the different words of English language having different pronunciations. The group of same letters opening with the alphabet ‘C’ in the different words of English language, having different pronunciations, are 43 in numbers which are: ca, cce, ccla, cco, ccu, ce, ch, cha, che, chi, cho, chri, chro, chu, ci, cia, cka, cke, cla, cle, clea, cli, clie, clo, co, coa, coe, con, coo, cou, cqui, cra, cre, crea, cri, cro, cru, cry, cta, cti, ctro, cu and cy. The group of same letters opening with the select alphabet of ‘C’ in the different words of English language, having different pronunciations, have been written with examples including words and phonetic transcriptions.

Alphabet ‘C’ and Details

The group of same letters opening with the alphabet ‘C’ in the different words of English language, having different pronunciations, are 43 in numbers which are specified, with examples including words and phonetic transcriptions, as follows:

S. N. Group of Same Letters Different Pronunciations Examples
Words Phonetic Transcriptions
1 ca /keɪ/ Acacia /əˈkeɪʃə/
/kə/ Academic /ˌæˈdemɪk/
/kæ/ Academician /əˌdəˈmɪʃn/
/kə/ Advocacy /ˈædvəsi/
/keɪ/ Advocate /ˈædvəkeɪt/
/kə/ Applicant /ˈæplɪnt/
/kəɪ/ Application /ˌæplɪˈkəɪʃn/
/kæ/ Cabinet bɪnət/
/keɪ/ Cable keɪbl/
/kə/ Cadaver /ˈdævə(r)/
/kɑː/ Cadre kɑːdə(r)/
/kɔː/ Call /kɔːl/
/keə/ Career keərə(r)/
/keɪ/ Communication /kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn/
/kə/ Communicative /kəˈmjuːnɪtɪv/
/keɪ/ Decade /ˈdekeɪd/
/kæ/ Decaffeinated /diːˈfɪneɪtɪd/
/keɪ/ Duplicate /ˈdjuːplɪkeɪt/
/kə/ Duplicate /ˈdjuːplɪt/
/keɪ/ Efficacious /ˌefɪˈkeɪʃəs/
/kə/ Efficacy /ˈefɪsi/
/kæ/ Incalculable /ɪnˈlkjələbl/
/keɪ/ Incapable /ɪnˈkeɪpəbl/
/kə/ Incapacitate /ˌɪnˈpæsɪteɪt/
/kɑː/ Incarcerate /ɪnˈkɑːsəreɪt/
/keɪ/ Indication /ˌɪndɪˈkeɪʃn/
/kə/ Indicative /ɪnˈdɪtɪv/
/kə/ Localize /ˈləʊlaɪz/
/keɪ/ Locate /ləʊˈkeɪt/
/kə/ Lubricant /ˈluːbrɪnt/
/keɪ/ Lubricate /ˈluːbrɪkeɪt/
/kɑː/ Macabre /məˈkɑːbrə/
/kə/ Macaroni /ˌmæˈrəʊni/
/k/ Medical /ˈmedɪkl/
/keɪ/ Medication /ˌmedɪˈkeɪʃn/
/kɑː/ Placard /ˈplækɑːd/
/keɪ/ Placate /pləˈkeɪt/
/k/ Practical /ˈpræktɪkl/
/kæ/ Practicality /ˌpræktɪˈləti/
/keɪ/ Provocation /ˌprɒvəˈkeɪʃn/
/kə/ Provocative /prəˈvɒtɪv/
/kə/ Publican /ˈpʌblɪn/
/keɪ/ Publication /ˌpʌblɪˈkeɪʃn/
/kɔː/ Recall /rɪˈkɔːl/
/kæ/ Recap /ˈriːp/
/k/ Reciprocal /rɪˈsɪprəkl/
/keɪ/ Reciprocate /rɪˈsɪprəkeɪt/
/k/ Technical /ˈteknɪkl/
/kæ/ Technicality /ˌteknɪˈləti/
/kɔː/ Uncalled for /ʌnˈkɔːld fɔː(r)/
/kæ/ Uncanny /ʌnˈni/
/kə/ Vacant /veɪˈnt/
/keɪ/ Vacate /veɪˈkeɪt/
/kə/ Vicarage /ˈvɪrɪdʒ/
/keə/ Vicarious /vɪˈkeəriəs/
/kæ/ Vocabulary /vəˈbjələri/
/k/ Vocal /ˈvəʊkl/
/keɪ/ Vocation /vəʊˈkeɪʃn/
2 cce /ksiː/ Accede kˈsiːd/
/kse/ Accelerate kˈseləreɪt/
/ksə/ Accent /ˈæksənt/
/kse/ Access /ˈækses/
3 ccla /kle/ Acclaim /əˈkleɪm/
/klə/ Acclamation /ˌækləˈmeɪʃn/
4 cco /kə/ Accolade /ˈæleɪd/
/kɒ/ Accommodate /əˈmədeɪt/
/kʌ/ Accompaniment /əˈmpənɪmənt/
/ka/ Account /əˈkaʊnt/
/kəʊ/ Tobacco /təˈbækəʊ/
/kə/ Tobacconist /təˈbænɪst/
5 ccu /kjuː/ Accumulate /əˈkjuːmjəleɪt/
/kjə/ Accurate /ˈækjərət/
/kju/ Accusation /ˌækjuˈzeɪʃn/
/kʌ/ Accustom /əˈstəm/
/kʌ/ Occult /ɒˈlt/
/kjə/ Occupant /ˈɒkjəpənt/
/kju/ Occupation /ˌɒkjuˈpeɪʃn/
/kjə/ Succulent /ˈsʌkjələnt/
/kʌ/ Succumb /səˈm/
6 ce /s/ Ace /eɪs/
/sɪ/ Acetate /ˈæteɪt/
/siː/ Acetic acid /əˌsiːtɪk ˈæsɪd/
/se/ Acetylene /əˈsetəliːn/
/siː/ Cedar siːdə(r)/
/se/ Celebrate selɪbreɪt/
/sə/ Celebrity /ˈlebrəti/
/sɪ/ Cement /ˈment/
/sɪə/ Cereal sɪəriəl/
/se/ December /dɪˈsembə(r)/
/s/ Decent /ˈdiːsnt/
/sɪ/ Facet /ˈfæt/
/siː/ Facetious /fəˈsiːʃəs/
/sɪə/ Insincere /ˌɪnsɪnˈsɪə(r)/
/se/ Insincerity /ˌɪnsɪnˈserət i/
/sə/ Necessary /ˈnesəri/
/se/ Necessitate /nəˈsesɪteɪt/
/s/ Place /pleɪs/
/se/ Placenta /pləˈsentə/
/siː/ Recede /rɪˈsiːd/
/s/ Recently /ˈriːsntli/
/se/ Receptacle /rɪˈseptəkl/
/sɪə/ Sincere /sɪnˈsɪə(r)/
/se/ Sincerity /sɪnˈserəti/
7 ch /tʃ/ Arch /ɑː/
/k/ Archaeological /ˌɑːkɪəˈlɒdʒɪkl/
8 cha /tʃɔː/ Chalk /tʃɔːk/
/tʃæ/ Challenge tʃælɪndʒ/
/tʃeɪ/ Chamber tʃeɪmbə(r)/
/kə/ Chameleon /ˈmiːliən/
/ʃæ/ Champagne /ʃæmˈpeɪn/
/tʃɑː/ Chance /tʃɑːns/
/keɪ/ Chaos keɪɒs/
/kæ/ Character rəktə(r)/
/ʃə/ Charade /ʃəˈrɑːd/
/ʃɑː/ Charlatan ʃɑːlətən/
/kæ/ Mechanical /məˈnɪkl/
/kə/ Mechanism /ˈmenɪzəm/
/tʃeɪ/ Unchanged /ʌnˈtʃeɪndʒd/
/kæ/ Uncharacteristic /ˌʌnˌrəktəˈrɪstɪk/
9 che /tʃə/ Archery /ˈɑːtʃəri/
/kɪ/ Archetypal /ˌɑːˈtaɪpl/
/ʃe/ Chef /ʃef/
/ke/ Chemical kemɪkl/
/kiː/ Chemotherapy kiːməʊˈθerəpi/
/tʃe/ Cheque /tʃek/
/ki/ Psyche /ˈsaɪki/
/kə/ Psychedelic /ˌsaɪˈdelɪk/
10 chi /kɪ/ Architecture /ˈɑːtektʃə(r)/
/kaɪ/ Archives /ˈɑːkaɪvz/
/ki/ Bronchial /ˈbrɒŋkiəl/
/kaɪ/ Bronchitis /brɒŋˈkaɪtɪs/
/ʃiː/ Chic /ʃiːk/
/tʃɪ/ Chick /tʃɪk/
/ʃɪ/ Chiffon ʃɪfɒn/
/tʃaɪ/ Child /tʃaɪld/
/kɪ/ Chiropodist /ˈrɒpədɪst/
/kaɪə/ Chiropractor kaɪərəʊˌpræktə(r)/
/tʃɜː/ Chirp /tʃɜːp/
11 cho /tʃəʊ/ Choke /tʃəʊk/
/kɒ/ Cholera lərə/
/kə/ Cholesterol /ˈlestərɒl/
/tʃɒ/ Chopstick tʃɒpstɪk/
/tʃɔː/ Chore /tʃɔː(r)/
/kəʊ/ Psychoanalysis /ˌsaɪkəʊəˈnæləsɪs/
/kə/ Psychological /ˌsaɪˈlɒdʒɪkl/
/kɒ/ Psychologist /saɪˈlədʒɪst/
/kəʊ/ Psychosis /saɪˈkəʊsɪs/
12 chri /kraɪ/ Christ /kraɪst/
/krɪ/ Christen krɪsn/
13 chro /krɒ/ Chromatography krɒməˈtɒɡrəfi/
/krəʊ/ Chrome /krəʊm/
/krə/ Chronology /krəˈnɒlədʒi/
14 chu /tʃɜː/ Churn /tʃɜːn/
/ʃuː/ Chute /ʃuːt/
15 ci /sɪ/ Anglicism /ˈæŋɡlɪzm/
/saɪ/ Anglicize /ˈæŋɡlɪsaɪz/
/sɪ/ Capacitor /kəˈpætə(r)/
/sə/ Capacity /kəˈpæti/
/sɪ/ Cicada /ˈkɑːdə/
/saɪ/ Cider saɪde(r)/
/sɜː/ Circular ːkjələ(r)/
/sə/ Cirrhosis /ˈrəʊsɪs/
/saɪ/ Coincide /ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd/
/sɪ/ Coincidence /kəʊˈɪndəns/
/sɪ/ Criticism /ˈkrɪtɪzəm/
/saɪ/ Criticize /ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz/
/sɪ/ Crucible /ˈkruːbl/
/sə/ Crucifix /ˈkruːfɪks/
/sɪ/ Decibel /ˈdebel/
/saɪ/ Decide /dɪˈsaɪd/
/saɪ/ Facile /ˈfæsaɪl/
/sɪ/ Facilitate /fəˈlɪteɪt/
/sɪ/ Incision /ɪnˈʒn/
/saɪ/ Incisive /ɪnˈsaɪsɪv/
/sɪ/ Indecision /ˌɪndɪˈʒn/
/saɪ/ Indecisive /ˌɪndɪˈsaɪsɪv/
/sɪ/ Precinct /ˈpriːŋkt/
/sə/ Precipice /ˈprepɪs/
/saɪ/ Precise /prɪˈsaɪs/
/sə/ Publicity /pʌbˈlɪti/
/saɪ/ Publicize /ˈpʌblɪsaɪz/
/sə/ Recipe /ˈrepi/
/sɪ/ Recipient /rɪˈpiənt/
/saɪ/ Recital /rɪˈsaɪtl/
/saɪ/ Reconcile /ˈrekənsaɪl/
/sɪ/ Reconciliation /ˈrekənliˈeɪʃn/
16 cia /ʃə/ Appreciable /əˈpriːʃəbl/
/ʃɪ/ Appreciate /əˈpriːʃɪeɪt/
/siə/ Associate /əˈsəʊsiət/
/ʃieɪ/ Associate /əˈsəʊʃieɪt/
/ʃ/ Glacial /ˈɡleɪʃl/
/sieɪ/ Glaciation /ˌɡleɪsiˈeɪʃn/
/ʃə/ Specialist /ˈspeʃəlɪst/
/ʃiæ/ Speciality /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/
17 cka /keɪ/ Blockade /blɒˈkeɪd/
/kɪ/ Blockage /ˈblɒdʒ/
18 cke /kə/ Bracken /ˈbræn/
/kɪ/ Bracket /ˈbræt/
/kə/ Locker /ˈlɒ(r)/
/kɪ/ Locket /ˈlɒt/
/kɪ/ Rickets /ˈrɪts/
/kə/ Rickety /ˈrɪti/
/kə/ Wicker /ˈwɪ(r)/
/kɪ/ Wicket /ˈwɪt/
19 cla /klæ/ Clam /klæm/
/klɑː/ Clasp /klɑːsp/
/klə/ Declaration /ˌdekləˈreɪʃn/
/kleə/ Declare /dɪˈkleə(r)/
20 cle /klɜː/ Clergywoman klɜːdʒɪwʊmən/
/kle/ Cleric klerɪk/
/klɑː/ Clerk /klɑːk/
21 clea /kliː/ Cleaner kliːnə(r)/
/kle/ Cleanliness klenlinəs/
/kliː/ Unclean /ˌʌnˈkliːn/
/klɪə/ Unclear /ˌʌnˈklɪə(r)/
22 cli /klɪ/ Cliff /klɪf/
/klaɪ/ Climactic /klaɪˈmæktɪk/
/klɪ/ Inclination /ˌɪnklɪˈneɪʃn/
/klaɪ/ Incline /ɪnˈklaɪn/
23 clie /klaɪə/ Client klaɪənt/
/kliːə/ Clientele kliːənˈtel/
24 clo /klɔ/ Cloister klɔɪstə(r)/
/klə/ Clone /kləʊn/
/klɒ/ Closet klɒzɪt/
/kla/ Cloudburst klaʊdbɜːst/
25 co /kəʊ/ Cobalt kəʊbɔːlt/
/kɒ/ Cobble bl/
/kɔ/ Coinage ɪnɪdʒ/
/kʌ/ Colander ləndə(r)/
/kə/ Collaborate /ˈlæbəreɪt/
/kɜː/ Colonel ːnl/
/kɔː/ Cordless kɔːdləs/
/ka/ Couch /kaʊtʃ/
/kə/ Deconstruct /ˌdiːnˈstrʌkt/
/kɔː/ Decor /ˈdeɪkɔː(r)/
/kə/ Disconnect /ˌdɪsˈnekt/
/kɒ/ Disconsolate /dɪsˈnsələt/
/kɒ/ Ecology /iˈlədʒi/
/kə/ Economic /ˌiːˈnɒmɪk/
/kəʊ/ Encode /ɪnˈkəʊd/
/kɔː/ Encore /ˈɒŋkɔː(r)/
/kɒ/ Incognito /ˌɪnɡˈniːtəʊ/
/kəʊ/ Incoherent /ˌɪnkəʊˈhɪərənt/
/kʌ/ Incoming /ˈɪnmɪŋ/
/kə/ Interconnect /ˌɪntəˈnekt/
/kɒ/ Intercontinental /ˌɪntəˌntɪˈnentl/
/kə/ Microcomputer /ˈmaɪkrəʊmpjuːtə(r)/
/kɒ/ Microcosm /ˈmaɪkrəʊzəm/
/kə/ Misconception /ˌmɪsnˈsepʃn/
/kɒ/ Misconduct /ˌmɪsˈndʌkt/
/kɒ/ Pharmacology /ˌfɑːməˈlədʒi/
/kə/ Pharmacological /ˌfɑːməˈlɒdʒɪkl/
/kə/ Reconcile /ˈrensaɪl/
/kɒ/ Reconnaissance /rɪˈnɪsns/
/kə/ Second /ˈsend/
/kɒ/ Second /ˈsend/
/kɒ/ Toxicology /ˌtɒksɪˈlədʒi/
/kə/ Toxicological /ˌtɒksɪˈlɒʤɪkl/
/kʌ/ Uncomfortable /ʌnˈmftəbl/
/kɒ/ Uncommon /ʌnˈmən/
26 coa /kəʊ/ Coaching kəʊtʃɪŋ/
/kəʊæ/ Coagulate /kəʊˈæɡjuleɪt/
/kəʊə/ Coalition kəʊəˈlɪʃn/
/kɔː/ Coarse /kɔːs/
/kəʊ/ Coax /kəʊks/
27 coe /kəʊɪ/ Coefficient kəʊɪˈfɪʃnt/
/kəʊ/ Coerce /kəʊˈɜːs/
28 con /kən/ Inconclusive /ˌɪnkənˈkluːsɪv/
/kɒŋ/ Incongruous /ɪnˈkɒŋɡruəs/
/kɒn/ Incontinent /ɪnˈkɒntɪnənt/
29 coo /kuː/ Coop /kuːp/
/kəʊ/ Cooperate /kəʊˈɒpəreɪt/
30 cou /kaʊ/ Discount /ˈdɪskaʊnt/
/kʌ/ Discourage /dɪsˈrɪdʒ/
/kɔː/ Discourse /ˈdɪskɔːs/
/kaʊ/ Encounter /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/
/kʌ/ Encourage /ɪnˈrɪdʒ/
/kaʊ/ Recount /rɪˈkaʊnt/
/kɔː/ Recourse /rɪˈkɔːs/
/kaʊ/ Uncountable /ʌnˈkaʊntəbl/
/kuː/ Uncouth /ʌnˈkuːθ/
31 cqui /kwaɪə/ Acquire /əˈkwaɪə(r)/
/kwɪ/ Acquisition /ˌækwɪˈzɪʃn/
32 cra /krə/ Bureaucracy /ˌbjʊəˈrɒkrəsi/
/kræ/ Bureaucrat /ˈbjʊərəkræt/
/kreɪ/ Cradle kreɪdl/
/krɑː/ Craft /krɑːft/
/kræ/ Crag /kræɡ/
/krə/ Cravat /krəˈvæt/
/krə/ Idiosyncrasy /ˌɪdiəˈsɪŋkrəsi/
/kræ/ Idiosyncratic /ˌɪdɪəsɪŋˈkrætɪk/
33 cre /kre/ Creche /kreʃ/
/krə/ Credentials /krəˈdenʃlz/
/krɪ/ Excrement /ˈekskrɪmənt/
/kriː/ Excrete /ɪkˈskriːt/
/kre/ Incredulous /ɪnˈkredjələs/
/krə/ Increment /ˈɪŋkrəmənt/
/krə/ Secret /ˈsiːkrət/
/kriː/ Secrete /sɪˈkriːt/
34 crea /kriː/ Crease /kriːs/
/krieɪ/ Create /kriˈeɪt/
35 cri /krɪ/ Cripple krɪpl/
/kraɪ/ Crisis kraɪsɪs/
/krə/ Hypocrisy /hɪˈpɒkrəsi/
/krɪ/ Hypocrite /ˈhɪpəkrɪt/
/krɪ/ Sacrifice /ˈsækrɪfaɪs/
/krə/ Sacrilege /ˈsækrəlɪdʒ/
36 cro /krəʊ/ Crochet krəʊʃeɪ/
/krɒ/ Crockery krɒkəri/
/krəʊ/ Microcosm /ˈmaɪkrəʊkɒzəm/
/krɒ/ Micron /ˈmaɪkrɒn/
/krə/ Microphone /ˈmaɪkrəfəʊn/
37 cru /kruː/ Crucible kruːsɪbl/
/krʌ/ Crunch /krʌntʃ/
38 cry /kraɪ/ Cry /kraɪ/
/krɪ/ Cryptic krɪptɪk/
39 cta /ktə/ Expectant /ɪkˈspektənt/
/kteɪ/ Expectation /ˌekspekˈteɪʃn/
/ktə/ Octagon /ˈɒktəɡən/
/kte/ Octane /ˈɒkteɪn/
40 cti /ktaɪ/ Adjectival /ˌædʒekˈtaɪvl/
/ktɪ/ Adjective /ˈædʒɪktɪv/
41 ctro /ktrəʊ/ Electrode /ɪˈlektrəʊd/
/trɒ/ Electrolysis /ɪˌlekˈtrɒləsɪs/
42 cu /kjə/ Acumen /ˈækjəmən/
/kju/ Acupuncture /ˈækjupʌŋktʃə(r)/
/kjuː/ Acute /əˈkjuːt/
/kjə/ Articulate /ɑːˈtɪkjələt/
/kju/ Articulate /ɑːˈtɪkjulət/
/kjʊ/ Calculator /ˈkælkjʊleɪtə(r)/
/kjə/ Calculus /ˈkælkjələs/
/kʌ/ Cub /b/
/kjuː/ Cube /kjuːb/
/kʊ/ Cuckoo kuː/
/ks/ Excursion kˈskɜːʃn/
/ks/ Excusable kˈskuːzəbl/
/kjuː/ Executioner /ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃənə(r)/
/kjə/ Executive /ɪɡˈzekjətɪv/
/kju/ Incubator /ˈɪŋkjubeɪtə(r)/
/kʌ/ Incumbent /ɪnˈmbənt/
/kuː/ Recuperate /rɪˈkuːpəreɪt/
/kɜː/ Recur /rɪˈkɜː(r)/
/kjuː/ Ridicule /ˈrɪdɪkjuːl/
/kjə/ Ridiculous /rɪˈdɪkjələs/
/kjə/ Secular /ˈsekjələ(r)/
/kjʊə/ Secure /sɪˈkjʊə(r)/
43 cy /sɪ/ Cynic nɪk/
/saɪ/ Cypress saɪprəs/
/sə/ Cyrillic /ˈrɪlɪk/


The above research is about the group of same letters opening with the alphabet ‘C’ in the different words of English language having different pronunciations which will help to acquire the proficiency over the select area of study.


  1. Asher, R. E. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1994.
  2. Bradford, B. Intonation in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.
  3. Byrne, Donn. Teaching Oral English (New Edition). Britain: Longman, 1976.
  4. Dhongde, Ramesh. Oxford English-English-Marathi Dictionary. New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  5. Gimson, A. C. Introduction to the Pronunciation of English. London: Arnold, 1962.
  6. Gimson, A. C., ed. English Pronouncing Dictionary. London: Dent, 1977.
  7. Guralnik, D. B., et al., eds. Webster’s New World Dictionary. New York: Prentice Hall Press, 1986.
  8. Jones, Daniel. The Pronunciation of English. Cambridge: CUP, 1909.
  9. Jones, Daniel. An Outline of English Phonetics, Eighth Edition. Delhi: Surjeet Publications, 2012.
  10. Kothari, C. R. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd., 2010.
  11. MLA Handbook, Eighth Edition. USA: Modern Language Association, 2016.
  12. Sethi, J. & Dhamija P. V. A Course in Phonetics and Spoken English (2nd Ed.). India: Prentice Hall Ltd., 2000.
  13. Sinclair, J., ed. Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary. London: Harper Collins, 2001.
  14. Tench, Paul. Pronunciation Skills. Malaysia: Macmillan Publishers Ltd., 1981.
  15. Umera-Okeke, Nneka. “Spelling and Phonetic Inconsistencies in English: A Problem for Learners of English as a Foreign/Second Language.” African Research Review, vol. 2, no. 1, 2008, pp. 64-83.
  16. Upton, C., et al., eds. Oxford Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
  17. Wells, J. C. Accents of English. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
  18. Wells, J. C. Sounds Interesting: Observations on English and General Phonetics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
  19. Wells, J. C. Sounds Fascinating: Further Observations on English Phonetics and Phonology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
  20. Windsor Lewis, J. A Concise Pronouncing Dictionary of British and American English. London: Oxford University Press, 1972.


Dr. Uttam Balu Koli did his M. A., M. Phil., Ph. D. in English and M. B. A. in Human Resource Management. Apart from doing Course in English for Communication and Course in Information Technology, he has a teaching experience of eleven years as an Assistant Professor of English and Communication Skills at the engineering college. In addition to twenty-seven research article publications in different peer-reviewed journals, he has some best paper awards to his name. He specialises in the areas of English Language, English Literature, Soft Skills and Human Resource Management.

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