Submission Guidelines

Style Guide on How to Prepare Research Papers

Purpose of this Style Guide

We want to make authors easy to prepare their research papers to be accepted by us. To complete a research paper, make sure you follow these guidelines.

  1. You have read our submission guidelines thoroughly.
  2. Your paper is well written and edited and maintains high standard of quality.
  3. If you are submitting research paper, include an abstract, keywords, bibliography, and your brief bio in third person along with your recent picture. For other writings, include your brief bio in third person along with your recent picture.

Submission Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Please follow these guidelines.

  1. Your submission has not been previously published anywhere. If your material has been published with online or print journal, included in an anthology or book, posted on your own website or blog, or on any social networking sites, we consider such materials published. Do not submit such materials.
  2. You have declared if you have submitted the same piece elsewhere and you agree to notify us as soon as your piece is selected elsewhere.
  3. You hold the rights to the pictures, images, and materials that you use from external sources. Show this right while submitting.
  4. Your submission has zero plagiarism score. We investigate originality of your submission.
  5. Your paper must be well edited and proofread. If we send with our edits to the authors, they must take action on them on time, else the submission may be rejected.
  6. You have included an abstract, keywords, and bibliography for research papers. Poems, stories, and book reviews do not require these items.
  7. You have submitted your brief bio in third person and a recent and clear picture of yours.
  8. We may inform authors about the status from time to time and any submission may be rejected at any level of editing cycle.

Copyright Notice

Please follow these guidelines.

  • Copyrights lie with the authors/contributors. The responsibility of the concept expressed in the writings published with any of our literary journals lies with the authors and Creative Content Media or Contemporary Literary Review India does not support or oppose any ideas of the authors or artists.
  • We ask for first publishing rights from the submitting authors. Once an article is published with CLRI, authors can use their articles as and when they like with due credit to us with issue number/date, for which they don't need to ask for permission from us.
  • We aim to promote knowledge and to propagate knowledge, we permit readers and authors to use, quote, and refer from any articles published with CLRI freely. Authors must agree to this nature of copyright before they submit to us. However any readers or authors must give due credit to the authors and this journal properly with issue number and dates.
  • We may make our content as a complete journal, anthology or in any other format either as soft copies or in print with several marketplaces for sales or through subscription. Authors must agree to this nature of copyright before they submit to us.
  • We nominate authors published with CLRI to various literary awards and prizes as and when required. Authors give us permission to nominate their names and their works without requiring us to ask prior permission and notifying them. If time permits, we would notify them.
  • We don't accept any articles that reflect pornography, use racial language, hatred or any sorts of aversion.
  • We don't pay to the authors presently.

Submission Policies

Simultaneous Submission

We accept simultaneous submission. Simultaneous submission means an author submits the same article to more than one publication. However, it is the responsibility of the authors that they must immediately inform us if their article is selected elsewhere before we make a decision. This is a bad or unethical practice on part of the authors if they do not care to inform us on time if their article is selected elsewhere. This lowers the credibility of a research scholar.

Submission Withdrawal

Any author is welcome to withdraw any article once submitted to us. However, they must tell us about this as soon as they make such a decision.

How to Submit?

We prefer online submission. Please submit here. Make Submission Now! In case of technical issue, you may send your submission to: clrijournal(at)

For you, see Aim & Scope, Submission Guidelines (download PDF).

Submission Fee

CLRI does not charge any reading fee or publishing fee for the online or print edition. It is absolutely free to register, submit and get published with us.

Any article published with our online edition (ISSN 2394-6075) is subsequently included in the print edition (ISSN 2250-3366) also. Our print copies are distributed to various libraries and authors in India.

However, we send paperback copies to those authors who are paid subscribers with us. As a paid subscriber, you get 4 issues in a year, whether your article is published in any issue or not. For details, please see Subscribe to CLRI.

How to Prepare Research Papers?

For people in academic field, it is important to know how to prepare research papers on humanities, social sciences, and pure sciences and technologies. These guidelines will help you to prepare your research papers easily.



  • Write a better title for your research paper. Try to write a title that is different from other titles in the same field.
  • Write a meaningful title.


  • Use Arial font (or Noto Sans), 14 size, bold type, title case, left aligned.


For any research paper, it is compulsory that you include an abstract in between 100-200 words along with keywords for the research topic. Abstract is a brief but original write-up on a topic. It should not be merely an extract from your article.

An abstract is required for two reasons.

Attract Readers

An abstract is characterized by what the topic is all about, why you wrote the topic, and how it is interesting for the readers. Just by reading the abstract, a reader can understand whether to read the topic in full and whether the topic is worth recording.


Most of the journals, whether print or online, register or index themselves with libraries or online journal directories. To get indexed, each research topic must have an abstract along with the keywords central to the topic importance. The journal directories catalog the abstracts in the similar way as a book cover. Without an abstract, the research papers would fetch the first few words of the main article topic that most often may mismatch the searched keywords. This will leave bad impact on your papers and lose out the readership.

To know more on the importance of an abstract, see


  • Write between 4-5 keywords.
  • One keyword should not be longer than four words.
  • Don't use abbreviation in keywords.
  • Avoid plural forms in keywords.
  • User lowercase unless it is a proper noun, no italics, no bold type.

Citation & References

Use citation in your research articles amply as in-text citation, endnote and footnote. Your research topic is an original concept that you have to prove as worthy. Suppose you conceive an idea and write a large paper, say in ten pages or more, without any citation, such a topic will be nothing more than an essay and not a research article.

Citation is a referencing method in the body of articles in addition to bibliography. To validate your idea, you have to insert in-text citation from the exiting works, be they books, journals, newspaper articles, or website materials. By copyright laws, any author or research scholars can quote from any available materials they base their subject on freely without asking for the permission from authors or publishers.

Why Citation is Required?

Using citation properly is very important for many valid reasons:

  • To present that you have done research thoroughly and properly.
  • Your concept is new but it has many for-and-against views so to prove your point distinct.
  • To give due credit to previous researchers and authors.
  • To avoid plagiarism, that makes your paper original.
  • To help readers to refer and study the source materials to prepare their own research ideas.

Citation for?

You must cite for everything you take from other sources such as:

Ideas, words, phrases, figures, images, tables, graphs, estimations, facts, findings, reports, theories or any other information that has been published.

Citation from?

Citation can be from any published entities such as:

Articles, chapters, journals, magazines, books, website etc.

Citation elements

Following are the required elements for citation:

  • Authors' names
  • Titles of articles, journals, magazines, books,
  • Publication date
  • Page numbers
  • Issue numbers, volume (if any)

Citation example

There are various styles for citation such as MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), ACS (American Chemical Society), IEEE (I triple E) and others.

CLRI accepts citation in the MLA style.


McLean, Bethany and Peter Elkind. The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron. New York: Portfolio, 2004.

Jonson, Ben. "To the Memory of My Beloved, the Author Mr. William Shakespeare." The Norton Anthology of Poetry. Ed. Alexander Allison et al. New York: Norton, 1983. 239-40.

How to catalogue citation?

In Microsoft Word, you can create citation style automatically. To catalogue citation, follow these steps.

  1. On Windows 10 or later, click the References menu.

  2. In the Style list, select MLA, so that this style becomes default style for your paper.

  3. Click Insert Citation and then select Add New Source. The Create Source page appears. This page is like your catalogue library in which you can enter information of your source.

  4. In Type of Source, select a relevant source. In this example, Book is selected.

  5. Fill the details of your material.

  6. Go to the text where you want to place in-text citation. Click Insert Citation and then click the source from the list.

    Note: You can change the style if you require. The citation will auto-adjust with proper referencing style.


Style Citation
MLA (Westall)
APA (Westall, 2016)
IEEE [1]

Citation is created in variable format. You can update the variable format any time you require. However, you can change the citation format from variable format to static format. Static format cannot be updated.

  1. To updated citation or change the citation format from variable format to static format, click the arrow on the citation. Citation Options appears, select the appropriate option. After you place in-text citation in the entire paper, you can place the bibliography at the end of the paper.
  2. To add bibliography, click Bibliography under References. The reference styles (Bibliography, References, Works Cited) appear. Select a style. In this example, Works Cites is selected.

Works Cited

Westall, Claire. What Postcolonial Theory Doesn’t Say. New York, US: Penguin, 2016. Print.

To know more about citation, see

Sample Paper

1. Title: Title of the paper should run in title case and bold type, left aligned.

2. Author: Author name should be center aligned.

3. Affiliation: Affiliation with an institution should be center aligned.

4. Abstract: Write an abstract in about 100-200 words.

5. Keywords: Write 4-5 keywords.

6. Main body of your paper: Divide the paper in about 4-5 sections, give a heading to each section. The first section should preferably be titled as 'Introduction' while the last one should be titled as 'Conclusion'.

7. Works Cited (References): Mention references in MLA style.

Standard Quality

To maintain high quality of your research paper, you should ensure the following criteria.


Plagiarism is making already published material written by other writers as yours. Avoid plagiarism. If you ever use the content or extract from a topic, you are free to use it but quote it. And give due credit to the author you quote in citation and bibliography. Many times, we receive materials, especially research papers and theses which have been borrowed from other writers without proper credit. Some authors think that they can do away with the copied item. But to tell you the truth, many journals, magazines, and publications have plagiarism checker of various kinds and can easily verify the submitted material whether they are original.

To avoid plagiarism, it is better that you use the extract in quotes, give reference to the source material, through primary and secondary sources.

If you are not sure, get your paper checked by plagiarism checking agencies for a fee.


Language editing

Your research paper must be well edited and proofread.

If your paper has several grammatical errors, publishers would not waste their time editing your paper. Howsoever well written your paper is, it is your responsibility that you get it edited by some experienced persons who have excellent knowledge of grammar and editing or by some professional editors.


Formatting is one of the important sides of a research paper. There are several journals and magazines who ask the papers in a certain format. They may ask you to use certain font type and font size, paragraphing, captioning method, citation style or such other styles. Make sure that you have formatted your paper in compliance with their requirement. In many cases, the professional editors help you format the paper in the style a journal asks for.

Get Digital Identifier Number (DOI)

Once you finish a paper, whether you are planning to submit it as a thesis or dissertation to your college or university, or to an anthology or journal, get it registered with a recognized research body. ORCID is such an international organization that registers your work and assign Digital Identifier Number (DOI). It is free and you can submit it online easily.

Some of the valuable organizations that assign such numbers to the research papers for free are as follows:

Organizations URLs
PubmedID (PMID)


  • Always include a biography in third person.
  • Your biography should not be in more than 100 words.
  • Include your affiliation/institution.
  • Include a recently snapped digital picture.

Data Transparency

Contemporary Literary Review India is an open access journal. This means that 100% of our content is accessible for free. Readers, researchers, authors from any place in the world can use our content for free. They do not need to ask for permission to quote from any of our published articles. However, they need to give due recognition to our authors and journal.

How to Submit?

We prefer online submission. Please submit here. Make Submission Now! In case of technical issue, you may send your submission to: clrijournal(at)

For you, see Aim & Scope, Submission Guidelines (download PDF).


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