A Gender Study of Franz Kafka and His Work The Metamorphosis

  • Shubham Joshi
Keywords: Beauvoirian reading, feminism, Franz Kafka, Freudian reading, gender study, The Metamorphosis


The study of all of Franz Kafka's work with a gender-based concern has been central to the study of the author's text ever since the evolution of gender studies. The Metamorphosis by Kafka is his most significant work. A critical analysis of the characters of the novella, via the gender lens, unveils the social and political changes that Kafka encapsulates in his short prose about his time. This paper attempts to evaluate a rereading of Kafka's text, its character and the metaphors in the story correlated with the author's biography. The same has been done with the help of Freudian reading, Beauvoirian reading, and theories, and arguments propounded by Mary Wollstonecraft, Judith Butler, and a few other critics.


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Author Biography

Shubham Joshi

Shubham Joshi is an independent researcher based out of Rishikesh, Uttarakhand. He has been doing research work since 2018. His preferred field of research involves English literature and American literature. As a research scholar and a student of literature, Joshi works on various texts with the help of critical analysis and literary criticism. He considers himself a devoit student of Beauvoir, Yeats, Shakespeare, Kafka, Camus, and Wollstonecraft.


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How to Cite
Joshi, S. “A Gender Study of Franz Kafka and His Work The Metamorphosis”. Contemporary Literary Review India, Vol. 8, no. 2, May 2021, pp. 57-90, https://www.literaryjournal.in/index.php/clri/article/view/871.
Research Papers